Let's just get straight to this. I've had something happen to me in the past week that has never happened before. Long story short, my voice is absolutely gone. Like....gone gone. Typically, in the past when my voice was damaged, it would simply drop in pitch. So, instead of hearing my typically semi-whiny, tenor voice, those around me had the privilege of being soothed by my melodic, Barry White-esque tones. This time, however, the sound production took a sabbatical for an undisclosed amount of time (yes, it's undisclosed. Despite my frequent entreaties to determine the length of its absence, it has yet to respond. I blame that on irresponsibility...or possibly an inability to hear those entreaties.) Because this has never happened to me before, I'm going to share the evolution of such an experience as well as some fun experiences I've had in the mean time (note: I use the term FUN very liberally both in this post and in my personal life. You've been warned.)

It all started Saturday, the 30th of April. I arrived home after enjoying some friend time at about 10 p.m. because I wasn't feeling super great, and I commenced watching some TV show...or something. Well, the coughing started, which prevented my efforts to sleep, so what did I do? Looked at computer components. Yes, the same activity that anyone in their right mind would engage themselves in (As a side note, if you're looking to upgrade computer components, make sure you check compatibility, otherwise the purchase of one item will necessitate the purchase of another, and so on and so forth, and eventually there goes your paycheck.) Eventually, around 3 a.m. I was able to sleep, however, much to my chagrin, I woke up the next morning (the waking up was to my chagrin...on second thought, that makes it sound like I have some sort of death wish, which I don't. Pfff. Pffsh.
. Anyway.) Generally speaking, when I wake up, I let out some sort of noise (let your imagination run wild). That day, it was a groan of sorts. I noticed immediately that my efforts to produce sound were hampered by something; I don't know what. (Another side note, being an engineering major, I find that whenever I feel to use a semi-colon, it's basically a leap of faith. And they say my generation is disbelieving and faithless.) As the day progressed, I found I was able to produce lower pitched sounds, but not in the same way as times past (refer to first paragraph if you're confused). I had to consciously make an effort to lower my voice to make any noise, which just wasn't going to work considering how lazy I am. So, whenever I would speak, I would produce some sort of demonic sound that has hints of human speech mixed with voided nothingness. So, that's where I am now. (This explanation was far longer than I expected, but you know how when I start rambling I just kind of go on and on and on and on. If you don't know that, learn it quick...or else (this is not a threat. I have to make sure I say that for legal

reasons) <---Rambling. Case and point.)
The funny things that happened probably won't be funny unless you either visualize them happening to me, or you put yourself in my shoes and imagine how you would react should it happen to you. First thing: I don't know if my parents have short-term memory loss, or if they were intentionally toying with me, but I think that they started asking me more questions when my voice was gone. So I would be walking through the room in which they were, they would ask me a question, and I just had to stop, look at them and shake my head. Funny, right? Right? Okay, moving on. I was at work today. Someone was calling me...no one ever calls me, let alone while I'm at work. As a note (yes, another note), whenever I see someone is calling me, the first thing that goes through my mind is "does [insert callers name here] know they're calling me? I bet it's just a butt-dial." And then I have to evaluate whether or not I should answer. Typically, if I don't answer, I wait to see if they leave a message. If they do leave a message, I know their call was intentional, and I'll return it promptly. That's just for you to note should you ever call me.) Where was I? Ah, yes. Phone call at work. So I looked at my phone to see if I recognized the number. I don't know why I thought that...ever since the introduction of cellular phones, my desire to memorize phone numbers has simply gone to something that's really small. Anyway, I picked up the phone. Here's the conversation as could be overheard:
Me: " "
Person: "hello?"
Turns out my short-term memory might not be great as I forgot my voice was gone. Silly me. The third thing that's funny is thusly: I sing...a lot. Whenever I'm alone, I'm singing (unless I'm playing video games...because at that point my focus is very intently...focused...elsewhere.) I get home from work, and I'm listening to a song that has some sort of rousing chorus. So the verse ends, a brief stop, and as I attempt to join in on the chorus, nothing happens. What the...oh yeah. Try it sometime, you'll laugh too, except you will have a voice and you'll sing, which probably will lose all the humor. So, on second though, don't try it.
So yeah, I bet this post was one long "had to be there" type situations, or recounting of situations. Whatever. Die (don't actually....again, for legal purposes.)
As ANOTHER note, I realize that the pictures in the post have absolutely nothing to do with the post itself. I'm just getting bored with purely text-based posts, and I figured a few pictures would spice things up, even if they were irrelevant. What do you think? Good idea? Ptsh. What do you know...
...also, I have no idea what's in that Magic Eye photo, so don't get mad at me if it's, for some reason, vulgar...or vulcan.