
Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Numerical Caste System

I'm going to be up front with all you people: I don't have a definite topic for today's post. Instead, I'm going to be  discussing a couple different topics of which I've been thinking. I'm not going to write some overly-lengthy post at the beginning here, so let's get right down to it.

First off, I've been strangely addicted to another individual's blog. Those who know me know that one of my more visible qualities is my nerdiness. The blog falls in line with what I love. If you're interested, check it out: I love it. I love the number games. I love the elegance that is evidenced by all of it. It's another signal to me that there is a higher power behind it all, organizing the beauty behind it. With that in mind, I started thinking about prime numbers. More specifically, do you think prime numbers get lonely? Or possibly do they get jealous of all the other numbers? I mean, all those other numbers are constantly mixing and mingling with all the other numbers, but the prime numbers are destined to only be with them and the number 1, who we all know is the loneliest of all numbers. Maybe the number 1 is kind of like Eor from Winnie the Pooh. He's kind of annoying to be around because you feel obligated to constantly remind him that he's not as bad off as he tends to think he is. I mean, we all have an obligation to strengthen those around us, but we all have our limits.

On the other hand, perhaps prime numbers have a certain sense of elitism. They're the Brahman of all numbers, which makes me wonder which numbers would be the pariahs, but that's another topic for another day. I mean, after all, the prime numbers can only be divisible by themselves and one. If they're not being divided by anything but themselves, while all other numbers are being divided by who knows how many other numbers, these primes hold strong. After all, there is a race of superior robotic life forms who claim the "Primes" to be their chiefs and leaders. Maybe we could learn a thing or two from them.

And what's up with that number Zero. I mean, he both exists but is unquantifiable. It's like he's there but not there at the same time. He's like the creepy guy that sits in the corner who is all mysterious, but for some reason he gets all the girls. I would also imagine him to be kind of emo. Tight jeans, long-ish dark hair. Maybe even weird, dark make-up. There's no way to be sure. I also would imagine him saying stuff like, "We don't even know who we are, man!" or "What IS reality?!" And then he has some melancholic look come across his face as all the women swoon.

The number Two would be the dirty rag. I don't feel like I need to explain that any further.

Sometimes I just wish I could show those dang prime numbers how difficult they are sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. I believe its spelled Eeyore. Other than my annoying grammar correction, I like your train of thought here. That Blog is pretty cool.


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