
Thursday, September 23, 2010

I yu cn re thi yu ne a lf

Alright, here's the deal. There are certain things in life which I enjoy, there are things I can tolerate, there are things that I stand, and there are things which I despise. Today, I'm going to take advantage of explain about something that I despise. Hopefully I will also give a reason why I despise it, but I can never be too sure what's going to be written here.

I'm not exactly known for being someone who is "with it," in reference to pop culture. I get into social settings, and people throw around celebrities names like they're dirty rags (come to think of it, I'm pretty sure that some people are basically the same as dirty rags, but that's another discussion for another day), and all I can think to say is "So there's this new theory..." which will be followed by some excessively nerdy, most likely socially frowned upon theory (like the one where some people are beginning to believe that our universe is actually contained within a black hole that lies in another universe. Talk about WHOA.) Now, I don't mean to say that those who are more in touch with pop culture aggravate me. I don't mean that by any means. In fact, I don't mean that. What I DO mean is that there are certain things that have become popular, mostly with the younger people (by definition, those who graduated 2008 or later). Maybe someone can explain it to me, but why on earth do some people feel the need to abbreviate everything? I'll let you think on that for a minute.

Seeing as how I cannot govern the time that it'll take you to finish that sentence and start this one, I'll just trust that you took a moment to think of an answer to that question. Personally, I don't have an answer. It just boggles my mind. I mean, seriously. The other day I saw someone (on Facebook, but still) abbreviate the word "scooter." I tend to think of myself as one who can be particularly lazy when it comes to certain aspects of life. I don't like talking if I don't need to talk, partially because I'm afraid I'll say something stupid, but also partly because I'm lazy. But seriously, you can't say "er"? Is that one going to strain you to the point where you may question if you can go on? I mean, it's barely even a syllable. In fact, I daresay it's half a syllable (yes, English majors, I know you can't TECHNICALLY have half a syllable. It's for effect. You should know about that.)

There are any number of examples I could use...unfortunately I've been so scarred by them that I have subconsciously blocked those memories and cannot recall them at the present time. If you have any other examples of awful and unnecessarily abbreviated words, share. Seriously.

I'm calling out to those of you who cherish language. Call those who abbreviate out. Also, throw in some derogatory words. That's okay too (Caution: there may be some backlash when it comes to that. Hopefully you know that by know, but I'm just covering my bases.......All your base...)

It's entirely possible that this post is going to get amended as I am made aware of abbreviations. So feel free to check back. If you haven't noticed, I'm someone passionate about this topic. Let me finish by saying this: if you're abbreviating to be funny, or should I say "funny," go ahead and continue, but if you are abbreviating to try and sound cool, I just have one thing to tell you (on top of everything else I've written here), It's NOT working. Seriously.

That's my rant. I'm done....for now (duhn duhn duhn) that was supposed to be intense music or whatever. STOP LOOKING AT ME!!!

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